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How To Cleanse Your Crystals Once You Receive Them?

Updated: Aug 14

How To Cleanse Your Crystals Once You Receive Them?

Crystals are bestowed with immense healing properties; wealth, stress, love, relationships, overall well-being, and the dream job. They exchange energies with the things they come into contact with. Crystals work when we guide them to work in a particular direction. Hence, cleaning is a part of that direction. Cleansing crystals is important to maintain their energies. So if you're looking for how to cleanse crystals, this post will help you.

Why should you cleanse your crystals?

Cleansing is not just a physical act, but a cleansing of the energies of the crystal as well. Every crystal contains energy. With the passage of time and the use of the crystal, negative energy may be transferred to the crystal. Hence, it is essential to have a regular cleaning routine. It is very easy to do and follow. 

Plus, when you buy a new crystal, there is a constant transfer of energy. The crystal passes through various hands, such as warehouses, packing, couriers, etc. As soon as you receive them, you must cleanse the energy passed by various people, charge them, and use them. For example, you use a tool made of a particular metal, let's say iron. If you don’t clean the iron from rain or other extremely adverse climatic conditions, it will get rusted. In the same way, crystals work for us when we take good care of them.

What are the types of cleansing:

The following are various There are different types of cleansing methods for crystals:

Natural Running Water:

Water is one of the best cleaners. Negative energy gets neutralized by water. It can be a river, a free-flowing waterfall, or any other type of naturally running water body. You must place the crystal in the water for a minute for each stone.


In this method, you use a bowl or a glass in which you can immerse your crystal completely and easily. Himalayan pink salt or rock salt is preferred, if neither is available, then regular table salt will do. Keep it submerged in salt water for at least 48 hours.


Also, another notable point for both saltwater and natural running water methods is that one should check the crystal compatibility with water. Crystals that are brittle or too soft or porous, like kyanite, halite, selenite, angelite, lepidolite, calcite, or malachi, should not be cleansed in water.

Brown Rice

So regular brown rice is used for cleansing crystals. Just place the crystal in the bowl of brown rice, completely covered for 24 hours. The brown rice will soak up the negative energy. Afterward, dispose of the brown rice somewhere far away, as it contains unpleasant and negative energy. This method works with all kinds of crystals.

Natural Light

The crystals can be cleansed by sunlight or moonlight. The moonlight can cleanse most crystals. It should be kept in such a place where there is direct and focused light. Also, make sure there are no external distractions to the crystal while doing this step. Cleaning with natural light should be done for at least 12 hours. 

White Sage

It is a kind of holy herb that has amazing therapeutic advantages. It helps remove bad and negative energy and vibrations. To do this, you need a good quality bowl, a matchbox or lighter, and some sage. Light the sage in the bowl and pass the smoke onto the crystal. Do this for around a good 30 seconds to a minute.

Sound cleansing

Using sound therapy, crystals can be cleansed. One can do this using sound bowls, chants, and healing sounds. These can be used to cleanse crystals. Make sure it is loud enough and there are no other distractions or sounds playing in the background. 5-10 mins is a sufficient time for sound cleansing. 

Healing stone/crystal

If you have a smaller stone, then it can be cleaned by a bigger-sized crystal or stone. Place the smaller crystal near or above the bigger or larger crystal for at least 24 hours. This will cleanse your crystal. Selenite, quartz, or amethyst can be used for this method of cleaning crystals.


Breathwork is another effective method to cleanse crystals. Set a clear intention in your mind to cleanse the crystal with your breath. Visualize your breath as the white light that drives away bad and negative energy. The breath that is exhaled is believed to be a kind of pure white angelic light that wards off black or evil vibes from stone. This should be done for at least 30 seconds to a minute.



Another way to cleanse the crystals is by the visualization method. There is nothing stronger than the power of the Universe. So visualize that the Universe is spending all its light upon the crystal to cleanse it of bad energies. The crystal is surrounded by the aura of white light, which dispels all negativity from your crystal, giving it its newfound purpose.

Dry salt

Earlier, we saw the salt water method. Here the crystal is kept in a bowl with dry salt for 24 hours. It can be Himalayan salt or regular salt. Either just place it on the salt or cover it with salt.

Cinnamon sticks or Incense sticks:

The smoke of burning cinnamon sticks or incense sticks is also a good way to emit negativity and cleanse the crystals. The smoke should pass through the crystals for 30 seconds to a minute.

How frequently should I clean my stones?

The crystal or stone will gather energy the more you use it. Hence, crystals should be cleansed :

  • Every 15 days

  • Once a month (preferably on a new moon)

  • As and when you feel like

  • When the crystal seems heavier than normal

How do I know if Crystal is charged?

After cleaning, the crystal feels lighter than before. The person using the crystal feels energetic and aligned with the stone.

What to do after the crystal is cleansed?

After the crystal is cleansed, it needs to be charged. Take the crystal in your dominant hand and place it in the third eye position or on the chakras. Speak to the crystal, make your intentions known to it, and meditate upon it.

Keep them in places where it aligns with your intentions. If it is a wearable crystal, then wear it regularly.


Cleaning a crystal is an important ritual before using it. Crystals imbibe the energy of the person using them. Cleansing is a way to protect the stone from getting affected by another energy than yourself. Also, it is vital to think good and positive thoughts and believe in the power of your crystal. Cleansing can bring harmony between you and the crystal and restore it to its original state. Self-affirmations and meditations with crystals help guide them to work for your intention. Crystals work wonders when they are regularly cleansed and charged.

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